Find Your Perfect Snowboard Stance: Regular vs. Goofy

1. Pay Attention to Which Foot You Start With
Consider walking forward for higher frequency daily basics such as when you kick a ball or go up a step up the ladder. Do you take that first step with your right foot? Most likely, this is the foot that will be in the back of your snowboard. If you prefer to step forward with your left foot as the lead, you’ll most likely ride regular. If your right foot is in front, you’ll ride goofy.
2. Slide on a Slippery Surface
Search for a smooth, slick surface, such as a tiled floor or a spot of ice. In socks or shoes, try sliding across it — pushing off with one foot, hopping on to the surface. When moving forward into a protest, notice which foot goes immediately in front to ground yourself. The foot you use to prop up yourself as you slide down the hill is probably the foot you’ll want back in your snowboard.
3. Try First on a Skateboard
If you have some skateboarding experience, you are most likely already aware of which foot you prefer for pushing. People usually have that foot at the back so their other foot can control the direction of the board. If you push with your left foot, chances are you ought to ride regular on your board. If you push with your right foot, the possibility is, you have it the goofy way.
4. Think about the Water Leg
The favorite leg decides the one direction you will prefer with your leading leg. For example, if you are right-footed, you may choose to favor doing as regular on a snowboard. This could be because all right-handed people are inclined to more easily lead with their left foot. On the contrary, when you are highly left-footed or left-handed, there is a good chance you will lead with your right foot, putting you in a goofy stance.
5. Try on a Snowboard
When all else fails, the only option is to let a snowboard do the talking for you. Bind in and try your chances out, once riding regular-a few times, then attempting it on a goofy stance for a couple of times. Given the same scale and type, the more stable or relaxed standing was supposed to lead for you for making turns and moving over the ride. This hands-on test is believed to be the best one to duly decide where your heart faintly lies.
Bonus Tip: Learn from Experts
For more insight on determining your snowboarding stance, you can check out this helpful video from Snowboard Addiction on YouTube. In it, the experts break down the process with step-by-step guidance and even show you how to practice the different stances. It's a great visual aid for anyone unsure whether they should ride regular or goofy.
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